Monday, September 30, 2019

Abortion and Women’s Rights

I believe that abortion is a woman’s right in Africa.   The decision should be up to the individual woman without any outside influences from society. (2003, Thomas) Lynn M. Thomas explains how â€Å"Social controversies for women in Africa are looming presenting a risk of death† because of the laws in the country which ban women from having abortions, in which the issue of reproductive rights in Africa is an important aspect of women’s rights and is one of the central issues in human rights debated in various regions in Africa. The problem of reproductive rights is therefore linked to larger women’s rights issues in that sex and reproduction are often used as ways of oppressing women in various cultures.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Reproductive rights therefore refer to the issue of choice and the right for women to decide for themselves – particularly with regard to their bodies and the important aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. One study on this issue states the problem in the following way. â€Å"The Right to choose is just one aspect of a much larger issue of reproductive rights – women’s right to control their own bodies and reproductive lives,† according to Smith. ( Smith, 2004) The right to abortion should be an African woman’s choice and right .   Women‘s reproductive rights and human rights in general, is the right to have an abortion, if she chooses and it essentially is a women’s prerogative.   We will discuss the right of a women and why she must   choose for herself, as well as be legally available to get an abortion in Africa.. For too many years, women who live in Africa have been giving birth to children in which many of them could not afford.   Women were never asked if they wanted to give birth to the child and never given the choice if she wanted to remain pregnant.   It was always assumed that if she got pregnant, she would carry the child without ever considering the possibility of aborting the fetus.  A women should also have the full legal right with regard to choosing to have an abortion or not and this right should not be predetermined by society for cultural reasons, but by the woman who will be responsible for carrying the fetus. Very often the issue of abortion is treated as if it is a separate aspect and not related to the context of the more â€Å"acceptable† view of the legitimate rights of women.  Ã‚   Very few people question the right of the woman when it comes to the issue of abortion but the issue of abortion on the other hand carries with it negative associations and connotations and have become a very cultural issue.   However, abortion is an issue that should, of necessity, be viewed in the larger context of women’s rights because the woman is the primary caretaker of the child, if she chooses to give birth, she is the person who must decide if the child can be properly cared for.   In impoverished nations, such as Africa, it should be especially legal since the living conditions are so bad. Reproductive rights, as the essential rights of women over their own bodies and sexuality, are not something separate from other issues relating to gender rights where the central arguments put forward in this regard, that it is the woman that must make this choice and not a society that is dominated by a cultural view on abortion. It is the woman who offers her body as a vessel necessary for the growth of the unborn child, not a nation’s, such as Africa, who doesn’t offer assistance for the growth of the child and therefore he leaves the woman to be solely responsible for the development and care for the child.   Since women are the ones who carry babies for nine months, African officials shouldn’t have a right to deny the woman the freedom to make a conscious choice, therefore, they shouldn’t be able to judge the African woman’s decision or her views concerning abortion. It should also be noted that the issue of reproductive rights for women is a complex and convoluted area of moral and ethical discourse.   However the central fact is that the history of reproductive rights is intimately linked to the history of women’s rights and cultural issues in general, which have become prominent in society.   To speak of reproductive rights is to ask if it is safe for a woman to give birth in a nation that is sometimes incapable of aiding in the growth of the child.   Reproductive rights are sometimes compromised because of a nation‘s views on the subject. The issue is debated differently from traditional point of view since many Africans believe that it is always necessary to give birth without considering the harmful effects that the pregnancy may cause.   The African woman has to make the choice of if she will carry a child for nine months of her life or if he will be solely responsible for the child’s care, both emotionally and financially since African men have often in the past, denied that they were involved in the child’s development and they certainly have never had to make the choice of carrying a child to full term. One of the central arguments in favor of the right to abortion for women is that in many societies women are subjected to horrendous oppression and discrimination in terms of sexual role and norms. (2003, WHO) One example that is often quoted is that of Africa.   Many women in African countries have no control over their sexual and reproductive rights.   If, for example a husband contracts HIV/AIDS, in some cultures the wife cannot refuse to have intercourse with him – even though this would endanger her personal health and infringe her sexual rights.   In effect many women in the world have no say or control over their bodies and sexuality. This relates to the issue of abortion in that the right to undergo an abortion is an extension of these reproductive and human rights that should be accepted as ubiquitous in all societies. Another issue that is often quoted in defense of women’s abortion rights is that, a large number of poor and working-class women die when abortion is illegal. According to the World Health Organization, 78,000 women around the world die from unsafe abortions every year. Abortion is every woman’s right. This aspect is also highlighted by the fact that the problem of deaths due to abortions usually occur among the poor, oppressed or disenfranchised women of the world. This fact does not apply only to the less developed regions of the world according to (Rosenbaum, 2001) who says, â€Å"Women in Africa are at risk.† These cases are usually among the Black or Hispanic populations. With the high poverty rate for African women , it is not unreasonable to believe that the abortion rate would be high among these races. Abortion is every woman’s right, and should be closely looked at more closely when it comes to abortions in countries who offer little or no help to the mother. In many countries in the world abortion is forbidden and can result in prison terms for women.   It is often the case that reproductive rights are denied in countries which are usually poverty stricken and with poor human rights records. Approximately 25% of the world population lives in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, which is quite common in Africa. These are the countries where abortion is most restricted according to the law. â€Å"In Africa, women still are not allowed to obtain an abortion,† says Stuart Rosenbaum. (2001,Rosenbaum) It therefore follows that allowing women their reproductive rights and providing for legalized abortions could save suffering and lives in these counties. This rationale also applies to the high incidence of rape in many countries where abortion is illegal.   Many women suffer both physically and economically as a result of laws that do not provide for the right to abortion as a fundament human right. While there is the ethical argument that the unborn fetus also has rights, this is an aspect that must be considered in terms of the rights of the mother as well.   It must be admitted that the issue of the rights of the unborn child presents intricate and complex problems, which involves many often confusing and convoluted definitions of what constitutes life.   A comprehensive study in this regard is The House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human Rights Issue is explained, (Bohan, 1999). The author tells us that â€Å"No society that truly believes in human rights can fail to recognize the right to life of the unborn. Human rights are, by definition, rights which inhere in one simply by virtue of being a human.† Notwithstanding these arguments, the problem of abortion rights finds its proper context in the general view of cultural regards. Therefore the question of abortion rights should be seen in the context of social oppression and other forms of societal discrimination of women.   The traditional view of women is for the African woman to get pregnant, carry the baby for nine month and then to give birth without ever questioning the option of abortion.   These cultural values do not recognize the importance of women's health and well-being, and they do not ever take into consideration that the woman may die during childbirth or that she may give birth to a child who is born into poverty conditions and may die from starvation or illness. The topic of abortion should be discussed in Africa and offered as an option to the woman who has the right to choose abortion if she sees that it is necessary. The argument for abortion rights for women should be linked to the larger issues and related to aspects in society that are all interconnected.   As one study suggests, the legalization of abortion rights is closely linked to issues such as class, race and economic discrimination, especially in Africa. â€Å"Abortion should be legal in Africa†¦ because statutory bans on abortion during the twentieth century were selectively or arbitrarily enforced in ways that intentionally discriminated against poor persons and persons of color,† according to (Graber, 1996) and those rights should be given to every woman in Africa, so she can make her individual decision of if she will be giving birth to her child or getting an abortion. Graber,Mark. (1996) Rethinking Abortion, p. 6 Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (2001) Pro-Life Verses Pro Choice, The Ethics of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abortion, p. 173 Thomas, Lynn M. (2003) Politics of the Womb, University of California  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, p. 17 World Health Organization, (2003) Technical and Policy Guidance for  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Health Systems, p.6   

Antarctica Report †the environment and scientific research Essay

Introduction: The great icy continent of Antarctica is located at the south-most point on Earth and in the heart of the Antarctic Circle, referred to as the ice-cold desert. Antarctica covers the entire land and water region south of the latitude 600 S with no defined longitude, the continent spans around the entire Antarctic Circle. In reference to Australia, the eastern half of Antarctica ranges from a close 3,800km south of mainland Australia with Mawson Station located further west. Due to its location, early expeditions to Antarctica were usually carried out on boat with a stop at islands along the way i.e. Macquarie Island- now one of the four main Australian research bases in Australian Territory of the Antarctic Peninsula. Australia controls the largest part of Antarctica (43%) because of Sir Douglas Mawson’s expedition to Antarctica in 1929-31. During this expedition, Mawson and his team mapped majority of the Eastern coast, setting up camps along the way and eventually other Australian expeditions set up stations using these maps. Later when the Antarctic Treaty was established, this link with Antarctica and the fact that Australia was the first nation to map the eastern coast was considered, resulting in Australia’s claim to this area being granted, leaving them with majority of Antarctica. The governing of Antarctica is unique and very different from the rest of the world. It is governed by many nations that have all claimed parts of the continent for scientific research who all are guided and bound by â€Å"The Antarctic Treaty†. â€Å"The Antarctic Treaty† was designed and created by twelve original countries (there are now 38 countries) in 1961 to provide an agreement for the future care and use of Antarctica and to avoid territorial and other disputes. The Treaty encourages international co-operation in scientific research and in recognition of Antarctica being the last remaining â€Å"wilderness† on Earth, the ‘Madrid Protocol’ was established to help the conservation of the environment and peace on Antarctica. Elements of The Antarctic Treaty include: Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only (Art.1), Freedom of scientific investigation and cooperation shall continue (Art.2), Scientific observations and results from Ant arctica shall be exchanged and made freely available (Art. III). Lying at the south-most point on Earth, Antarctica is truly a unique continent, renowned for a very harsh climate and an environment that has caused both, humans and animals, to adapt to the extreme conditions. Despite minimum infrastructure, Antarctica houses various forms of extensive scientific research conducted at its numerous bases. Climate: Mawson’s climate is typical of much of the coast of East Antarctica where the ice caps are present at sea level. The climate of Mawson Station can be described and categorized into four main areas: rainfall, temperatures, wind speeds and direction and mean daily averages. One of the main features of Mawson’s climate are the extremely cold daily maximums and minimums present there through most of the year. The mean maximum temperature ranges from its hottest at about 2.60C in January to the lowest daily maximum-15.60C in the peak of winter (July, August, September). The annual mean for the daily maximum is -8.40C, around the same as the mean in March and October. The mean daily minimums are not vey different to the daily maximums, a contrast compared to most parts of the world where the daily minimum and maximum have a greater difference. The mean daily minimum is at its highest in the month of January at -2.60C, dropping down considerably in March by almost 110C to -13.30C, marginally warmer than the annual minimum average of -14.3. Similar to the mean daily maximums, the mean minimums are at their lowest in winter, leaving a gap/difference of about 60C between the two (maximum and minimum). Although the mean temperatures around Mawson are mostly in the negatives, they are still a lot warmer and pleasant than those experienced in majority of Antarctica’s inland as the station lies near the coast and at a lower altitude of about 1,200m compared to the inland where altitudes rise up to almost 3,00m above sea level. Another characteristic of Mawson’s climate is the incredible winds experienced at Mawson and their high speeds. Winds around Mawson blow predominantly from the east and south, heading in a northwest direction. The mean annual wind speed is almost 40 km/h at 3pm, with some extreme speeds go past 120km/h during the year in peak winter (3pm). The maximum gust speeds exceed 140 knots frequently with the highest recorded wind gust ever in the area reaching an amazing 248.4km/h early in the morning. Wind speed are generally stronger during the winters, rising up to an average of 44km/h in August at 3pm compared to an average of 27-28km/h in December/January. Most precipitation falls as snow in Antarctica with no significant rainfall recorded near Mawson Station. As a result of Antarctica receiving less than 50mm of rainfall per year, the Antarctic region is classified as a desert-the coldest and driest desert in the world. Snowfall occurs regularly throughout the year-mainly during late summer when the snow is still able to fall without freezing. Although this snowfall is not very significant, it still has an impact on the climate around Mawson Station. The lowest temperatures at Mawson vary greatly as the seasons change. During the seasons of autumn and spring, the lowest ever recorded temperatures for each month (during these two seasons) have been very similar. The lowest temperatures of March, April and May all range within the late twenties to early thirties, almost identical to those of September, October and early November. Where as, the lowest ever temperatures in winter and summer are in great contrast, as the lowest during summer goes down to a less extreme -17.30C in February compared to freezing -360C in August. The reason for Antarctica’s very cold climate and its frequent change of size is the concept of the Earth’s revolution. The Earth is constantly rotating around an axis that runs through the north and South Pole at an angle of incidence (leaving the Earth always at a tilt of 23.50), completing one rotation every 24 hours. The Earths rotation is the reason that day and night are experienced, as when a part of the world is facing towards the Sun, it would be day, and when it rotates around to be away from the Sun, it becomes night. While the Earth is rotating on its axis (completing a rotation every 24 hours), it is in constant revolution around the Sun (completing a revolution every 365 days). As the Earth is always tilted the same way, the stage at which the Earth is at during its revolution determines the concentration and strength of the rays hitting the particular area. For example, if it is December 21 in the southern hemisphere the angle of incidence will have this part of the Earth closer to the Sun/tilted towards it causing the Sun’s ray to be concentrated at a smaller area and thus being stronger and creating more heat. This is because; during summer the Sun is directly above the Earth due to the tilt. As the equator is in no hemisphere, the angle of the rays is the same throughout the year, creating the same season for 365 days. Where as, the poles, which are located at top of the northern hemisphere and bottom of the southern hemisphere, have two completely different seasons. During summer they rotate around the axis but are always facing towards the Sun, thus having sunlight for almost 24 hours per day. However, during winter, the poles- in this case the south pole- is tilted away from the Sun and when rotating on the tilted axis, it remains away from Sun for most of the time, thus having no sunlight. This process/revolution continues for the whole year, in which the South Pole has experienced both summer and winter. Because of this reason and that it is located around the South Pole, Antarctica experiences these extreme amounts of daylight and darkness. As a result of these extreme seasons, a huge amount of sea ice is formed during winter, as the temperature gets extremely cold, quickly melting as summer approaches and the temperature rises above freezing point. If Antarctica were located near the equator, this effect would not occur as firstly, the temperatures would not be as low because the suns ray’s are stronger there because of the angle of incidence, but also the change in seasons would not be as extreme with the hours of daylight barely varying throughout the year. Mawson Station: Location: Mawson is a particularly favourable location for a station, with excellent access to the hinterland/open inland areas and surrounding coastal waters. It is also located near a harbour sheltered from the main body of the ocean and with a large depth and mouth not too narrow, during the ice-free period usually experienced in February, a ship may anchor within 100 metres of the station. Barges carrying the cargo would take only a few minutes to travel from the ship to station as it is located right on the shore. There is also a â€Å"magnetic quiet area† for research and tests requiring very little magnetic interference. The Station: The base at Mawson has a very simplistic layout. It consists of many buildings in a spread out area (as shown in the image on the right) each for different purposes with the science related buildings located closer to the shore. Everyone lives in the main accommodation building (the Red Shed; located the furthest from the shore), in modern air-conditioned single-room bedrooms. The Red Shed also houses the surgery, lounge, kitchen, and dining room. The Red Shed at Mawson base has indoor climbing, a home theatre, photographic dark room, a library and several common sitting areas for passing time during the winters. As it is a multi-recreation and living building, neither scientists nor other workers conduct their research there but expeditioners use it for day-to-day work. The green store is another one of the buildings that dominate the skyline at Mawson. It is located in front of (closer to the harbour) the Red Shed and is where all the dry food and most frozen food are stored. The clothing store, field store and equipment spares are also located here. Inside is rock climbing wall and open space for games like volleyball. Similar to the Red Shed, the green store is used for day-to-day work rather than scientific research. The operation building (the yellow building near the green store) houses the Station Leader’s office, communications, the post office and the Bureau of Meteorology. It is the home for the work of the telecommunication technicians, station leaders and many electricians. The Main Power House (the blue building near the shore) is where all the electricity for the station is generated and is where many more of the electricians, technicians and mechanics work. Waste heat from the generators is piped around the station and used to heat the buildings. The trades’ workshop (known as Red Dwarf), located near the main power building, houses all the offices and work area for the trades such as the Diesel mechanics, plumbers and electricians. The waste management building is responsible for processing all sewerage and non-toxic liquid waste. It is located a bit away from the main part of the station with very few workers. The cosmic ray observatory (located near the airstrip and shore) contains telescopes that detect and measure cosmic rays coming from outside our solar system. It has a shaft going down in the rock to a vault to a second set of telescopes and also some seismic detection equipment. It is home for scientists working in the field of seismology, cosmic ray physics, meteorology and atmospheric physics. The Anaresat dome (next to the Red Shed) is the home to technicians in the field of telecommunications and scientists in the field of Cosmic Ray physics. The general science building (where the biologists and geophysicists work) is located behind the green store. The Aeronomy (home to atmospheric space physics and climate change studies) is where majority of the atmospheric physicists work and the white building is located at the far corner, away from the shore. The carpenter’s workshop is where the carpenters do majority of their work. The building is located near the middle of the station, standing out with its brightly coloured doors. The Magnetic Variometer hut- a special building that houses sensors that measure and record the changes in the Earth’s magnetic field- and the magnetic absolutes hut are located next to each other behind the waste disposal hut, write on top of a magnetically quiet area. At Mawson Station, there is also a emergency vehicle shelter where all the fire fighting equipment is stored, a high frequency radio-transmitter hut, one aircraft hanger, three helipads (used infrequently), numerous inflatable rubber boat sheds, the wharf (where cargo is loaded and unloaded), a Sun recorder building and two fuel farms all spread out around the station. Most of these buildings are located in a cluster together with few in a different location due to restriction and needs i.e. magnetically quiet areas. The scientific programs undertaken in and around Mawson include: * Middle and upper atmosphere physics. * Cosmic ray physics and meteorology. * Geomagnetism and seismology. * Biology and medicinal studies. * Automated upper atmospheric sciences. * Climate change studies. Although one of the harshest environments on the planet, Antarctica is also one of the most vulnerable and is rapidly being effected as a result of human behavior. There have been many effects on the environment and wildlife in Antarctica caused by humans- mainly tourists that come and go- and their activities. Humans travelling to and from Antarctica (tourists and scientists) are the cause of many impacts on the environment as their trips involve the ships, accommodation, vehicles and other amenities which all can have an impact on the environment. One of the major impacts humans are having on Antarctica’s wildlife, is that the usual feeding and huddling grounds for penguins and other animals are being disturbed and in some cases, destroyed, taking away the habitat and vegetation needed for them to survive. This is a result of many tourists and scientists using areas- that are important to wildlife- for their own needs and desires (i.e. camps, research facilities), leaving the wildlife to find new homes and adapt to conditions sometimes not suitable for their needs (i.e. not close enough to the water, not large enough or not the right climate). The mode of transport taken by most visitors, boats, is harming the marine life and destroying parts of their environment. Various shapes and sizes of boats are cutting through the Southern Ocean and arriving in harbours where the marine life and depth is quite shallow. In some occasions, fuel tanks are being scraped, creating a minor leak in them that, over a period of time anchored at the harbour, releases tonnes of fuel and other toxic chemicals, scarring the marine life. As a result of this and to prevent further release of toxic chemicals, The Australian government and the ADD have banned large ships or boats with old systems and engines from entering Antarctic waters, reducing the possibility of harm to marine life. As for the problem of destruction to wildlife habitats, the ADD has developed laws that prohibit the use of wildlife-important areas for human use. As a result of this, scientists and visitors are banned from using areas with high importance to animal activity (i.e. breeding grounds and huddling areas) and instead forcing them to work in already human-developed areas like stations. Another impact that humans are having on Antarctica’s environment is the increasing amount of environmental pollution being released in forms of excess waste being dispersed into the oceans and environment in the form of litter. Due to an increasing number of people in Antarctica every year, tonnes of extra waste are being produced and dumped everywhere, releasing toxic chemicals which can become concentrated in the bodies of local wildlife, such as seals, penguins and whales, harming them in the long term. The issue of excess waste polluting the environment is also a result of original waste management strategies not being adequate or designed for a situation like this where the amount of humans present in Antarctica is much more than forecasted. Until relatively recently, waste disposal management in Antarctica was similar to elsewhere in the world with open tips, land fills and the burning or discharging of most sewage into the sea, as well as the practice of ‘sea-icing’ – dumping rubbish onto the sea ice during winter to float away and sink during the summer, with the areas around stations being contaminated from oil and chemical spills. Now, after new laws protecting the environment of Antarctica, waste is being split into many categories, each with a different strategy to stop the release of it into the environment. Hazardous materials such as polystyrene beads and radioactive materials are prohibited from entry into Antarctica; most other wastes are to be incinerated in a two-stage high incinerator with the resultant ash returned to Australia, metals, plastics, paper, cardboard and glass are separated and returned to Australia for recycling and the installation biological sewage treatment plants are all strategies that the Government of Australia are using to prevent pollution- as a result of excess waste- into the Antarctic environment. Adaptations to the Antarctic Environment: Human Adaptation: Comparisons Between Mawson’s Expedition and Today Mawson Today Transport * Wooden sleds pulled by dogs- not very stable and efficient. * Large wooden boats and ships with sail and masks. * Feet- walking around and pulling sleds with back. * Wooden, mechanic carts for transporting things around bases. * Used the ship Aurora Australis when it was fist made in 1950s. * Small planes that can land on large strips of ice. * Helicopters for shorter distances or rescues. * Small cruise ships with navigation, etc. * Off road vehicles for driving around the station. * Emergency vehicle shelter for vehicles used in emergencies. * The inflatable rubber boats for summer months when ice has blown out. Equipment * Wooden shovels, a compass and mostly non-automated equipment. * Signals to communicate and fire for heat-no phones or electrical heat. * Basic survival equipment- a limited amount taken on expeditions- food, necessaries, etc. * Basic tents prone to being destroyed in strong winds-not completely water tight. * Some metallic, some wooden tools to dig, cut and carry items in. * Telecommunication and navigation ways like phones, GPS’s and full-proof maps. * Waterproof tents with firmness to withstand strong winds. * Metal tools to dig, cut, gather water and cook meals. Good quality equipment. * Normal da to day equipment like boxes to keep samples in. Clothing * Several layers of basic warm clothing-no proper insulation-weighed more than modern clothing. * Gloves, fabric headgear (beanie like0 covering most of face with no proper insulation for the nose. * Insulated clothing with minimum weight. * Brightly coloured clothing to stand out and be easily spotted. * Clothing that can get wet and dries quicker than most. * Gloves, beanies, and nose protection with maximum insulation. Humans have adapted to the Antarctic climate with the use of new technology, more user-friendly equipment like automatic vehicles rather than human –pulled sleds and clothing that not only protects expeditioners from the cold with better results than clothing used in Mawson’s expedition, but at the same time is also comfortable to wear, allowing activities to be completed with ease. Todays transport in Antarctica- off-vehicles, portable rubber boats and small aircrafts- are all much more efficient than those used in Mawson’s expedition- human or dog pulled sleds and wooden carts. They require less human strength and energy that can instead be used in conserving body heat, are a lot less time consuming allowing more work to be completed or a greater distance covered in an expedition and most of all, the new forms of transport are much more reliable with a less risk of breaking down or failing in the middle of an expedition. Another adaption humans have made to help battle the Antarctic climate is their improved clothing that has better insulation, conserving more heat. This clothing has made humans feel as if they are feeling the same temperature as in other cold places around the world with very little extra weight on themselves. They have also been able to carry tools around on expeditions that can dig, cut and build with greater ease than those of Mawson’s expedition. This adaption has allowed humans to not be prevented and stopped by physical barriers on Antarctica and instead overcome them, using stronger tools like those used around the world. Animal Adaptation: Every environment is subject to changes that vary from season to season and from year to year. Even in Antarctica where it is always cold the variations can be quite marked. For example, the number and intensity of storms and blizzards can vary from year to year as can the time at which the sea-ice forms in autumn or breaks out in summer. These environmental changes are likely to have an influence on the animals that live there. Nature has provided the emperor penguin with a need to adapt to the extreme conditions of Antarctica. Standing 1.2m tall, over time the largest penguin has developed many physical and behavioral adaptations that leave it as a truly amazing bird, which not only easily survive the Antarctic winters, but also are also capable of doing almost anything during the time. Emperor Penguins have excellent insulation against the cold in the form of several layers of scale-like feathers that take very strong winds (over 60 knots) to get them ruffled. They have a very small bill and flippers, which conserve heat and are not as exposed to the temperatures due to their size. Their nasal chambers also recover much of the heat that is normally lost during exhalation. They also possess strong claws in their feet for gripping the ice and slippery surfaces, allowing them to waddle instead of sliding around on their bellies all the time. Another special physical adaptation of the emperor penguin is the ability to ‘recycle’ its own body heat. The emperor’s arteries and veins lie close together so that blood is pre-cooled on the way to the bird’s feet, wings and bill and warmed on the way back to the heart. Emperor penguins have large reserves of energy-giving body fat to use during low-level activities during winter. The emperor penguin also possesses many behavioral advantages to survive in the climate of Antarctica. They are very social creatures, and one of their survival mechanisms is an urge to huddle together to keep warm. To keep warm, the males close ranks to share their warmth. Even though Emperors are large birds and when carrying their incubation fat, they are about as large around the chest as a human, they still huddle on very cold days, with as many as ten packed into every square metre, cutting heat loss by as much as 50%. This huddling instinct means that they do not defend any territory (the emperor penguin is the only species of penguin that is not territorial) and instead radiate heat and keep warm together. Another behavioral technique used by the emperor penguin to survive the conditions in Antarctica is their ability to mate and reproduce during winter rather than in summer and take care of their eggs. Like most penguins, emperor parents closely share parental duties. What is unique about emperors however, is the co-operation between males while carrying out their parenting duties. Once the egg has been laid during winter, the male emperor puts the egg under his brood flap to keep it warm at about 380C so that the egg can eventually hatch instead of dying inside. During this period of a few months, the male does not eat anything and instead closes together with the others to stay warm himself and to keep the egg warm while the mother goes off to find food. When she comes back after winter is almost done, the chick, which would have hatched around the time, is fed and looked after until December at which stage, they are almost the same size as their parents. Because of this cycle formed by the emperor penguins and the ability to breed during winter, the young are hatched and brought up during the early summer instead of peak winter, giving them a higher chance of survival. Conclusion: From the harsh and extreme climate to the rocky and wildlife-populated shores, the continent of Antarctica is unique in almost every way. Larger than two continents combined, covering the South Pole and the driest of the deserts every seen, along with the majestic ice sculptures found nowhere else on the planet, Antarctica draws hundreds of tourists every year to experience these wonders from the welcoming surroundings of world renowned stations established by expedition leaders like Sir Douglas Mawson. No doubt, both humans and animals have had to adapt to the frantically changing climate, but now that they have, they too are enjoying the beauty of Antarctica. References A Livingston Technologies Production. (2012, February ). Design Your Logo. Retrieved April 6, 2013, from Cool Text: Australian Government. (2002, June 04). Aurora Australis. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from Australian Antarctic Division : Australian Government. (2002, June 5). Mawson. Retrieved April 9, 2013, from Australian Antarctic Division : Ford, A. B. (2013, February). Antarctica. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Encyclopaedia Britannica: Gaidos, S. (2009, February 2). Antarctica warms, which threatens penguins. (Science News For Kids) Retrieved April 10, 2013, from Earth: Harrowfield, D. (1997). Living and Working in Antarctica. (University of Canterbury – Christchurch, New Zealand) Retrieved April 9, 2013, from Gateway Antarctica: Judge, A. (2010). Antarctica Discovery (Vol. 1). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Pearson Australia. Maugans Corporation . (2012, July). Antarctica. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Destop Nexus: Oxford University Press. (2010). Mawson Station. Retrieved April 6, 2013, from Oxford Atlas: Royal Geographical Society. (2011). Making Claims. Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovering Antarctica: Ward, P. (2001). Antarctica Climate and Weather. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from Cool Antarctica: Wienecke, B. (2011, March). Emperor Penguin. Retrieved April 12, 2013, from Sisters School District: Appendix Oxford Atlas Virtual Fieldwork 1. Mawson station- an Australian scientific research base named after Sir Douglas Mawson- is located on the eastern side of Antarctica currently claimed by Australia at 670S 620E and south of the Antarctic Circle. Mawson is situated along an isolated outcrop of rock on the coast in Mac.Robertson Land and the south eastern shore of Horseshoe Harbour. Although usually considered closer to Hobart than any other Australian city, Mawson Station is actually situated about 5,475km from Hobart, further than the 5223km southwest of Perth. Relative to Australia’s main cities, Mawson Station lies far to the west of them, falling between South Africa’s Cape Town and Perth in the Southern Ocean. Australia owns and maintains three permanent scientific research bases all located within Australia’s main Antarctic region and one on Macquarie Island in the sub-Antarctic. The three stations are evenly distributed along the coast of Antarctica with Mawson being the most westerly of the three continental stations and the first one built and established. Davis is the most southerly of the stations and is situated SSW of Perth, on the Ingrid Christensen Coast of Princess Elizabeth Land and between the other two. Casey is located in the Windmill Islands, just outside the Antarctic Circle and the only one of three located outside the Antarctic Circle. 2. Mawson’s climate is typical of much of the coast of East Antarctica where the ice caps are present at sea level. The main features of Mawson’s climate are the extremely cold temperatures present there through most of the year. The mean maximum temperature ranges from about 2.50C in January to -15.50C in the peak of winter (July, August, September). Although temperatures around Mawson are mostly in the negatives, they are still a lot warmer and pleasant than those experienced in majority of Antarctica’s inland as the station lies near the coast and at a lower altitude. Winds around Mawson are predominantly from the east and south with the mean annual speed being almost 40 km/h while extreme speeds go past 120km/h in peak winter and maximum gust speeds exceed 140 knots frequently. As it lies south of the Antarctic Circle, the Sun does not rise at Mawson for approximately six weeks from the first week in June and does not set for the same period from early December. During those six weeks in June and July, the day consists of a few hours of twilight. 3. The Aurora Australis is Australia’s Antarctic flagship and was named after the aurora emitted around Antarctica. Designed as a multi-purpose research and resupply ship, the Aurora was built for the Australia Antarctic Program by P&O Polar and launched in September 1989. The ship is 94.9 metres long and 3911 tonnes in weight. It has a cruising speed of 13 knots, and accommodates 116 passengers plus crew. It is capable of breaking ice up to 1.23 metres thick. The Aurora regularly sails across the Southern Ocean where storms can generate 10 metre high seas and winds of 120–150 km/h. The Aurora Australis, designed specifically for trips to and from Antarctica, has many features for this instance. Six of these features are: * Installed in the ship are ways for satellite communications (not present on mainland Antarctica), allowing people on the ship to phone anywhere in the world at any time or stay in touch by email. * The ship’s kitchen can go through 4500 eggs, 1000 kg of potatoes and 280 litres of ice cream. The ship can produce up to 45,000 litres of fresh water per day for use on board for both drinking and other uses. As the trip to Antarctica and back can easily take up to six weeks, a large kitchen and food supply are extremely necessary. * The ship’s colour, bright orange, is painted all around it so that it can stand out in the ocean and making it easier to spot for rescue teams. * Three helicopters can be housed in the hangar and operate from the dedicated helicopter deck at the rear of the ship. They can go to and from the ship ahead to Antarctica or rush back to Australia in an emergency via the ship to refuel. * The ship is well equipped for marine science research with a commercial sized trawl deck, and a commercial hydro acoustic system for the assessment of Southern Ocean organisms such as krill. It also has a general-purpose lab for processing net samples, a hydrographic lab, fish freezer, meteorological lab, five multi-purpose laboratories, a photographic dark room and a scientific workroom. * The Aurora Australis is painted a very bright orange, thus allowing it to be easily seen and spotted in ice-spread waters. 4. Mawson base was first established on 13 February 1954, when an expedition led by Dr Phillip Law landed on the shore of Horseshoe Harbour (located on the coast of Mac Robertson Land), naming the new station in honour of Australia’s greatest polar explorer, Sir Douglas Mawson. Law had chosen this place to establish the station after viewing photographs of Mac Robertson Land from the expeditions of 1929-1931 led by Sir Douglas Mawson and 1946-47 by an aircraft from an American expedition. He chose the location because of its key locality near the coast, the large natural harbour (Horseshoe Harbour), a major hotspot for wildlife to conduct scientific research on and the permanently exposed rock present there for building, requiring very little to be shipped over. During the first year, living quarters, a works hut, the engine shed, two store huts and a carpenter’s shop were built and by 1966, the number of buildings had increase to fifty including the construction of the first aircraft hanger in Antarctica. Mawson’s location lies on the coast with Horseshoe Harbour spread around it. At the southern end of the station, (Horseshoe Harbour), ice sheets cover the waters surface near the shore, leading out into the Southern Ocean. The Mawson region is one of the richest areas for seabirds in the Australian Antarctic Territory, and supports living colonies of emperor and Adelie penguins, petrels and seals. The base at Mawson has very comfortable living conditions. It consists of many buildings in an area (as shown in the image on the right) each for different purposes. Everyone lives in the main accommodation building (the Red Shed), in modern air-conditioned single-room bedrooms. The Red Shed also houses the surgery, lounge, kitchen, and dining room. The Red Shed at Mawson base has indoor climbing, a home theatre, photographic dark room, a library and several common sitting areas for passing time during the winters. The green store is one of the buildings that dominate the skyline at Mawson. It is also where all the dry food and most frozen food are stored. The clothing store, field store and equipment spares are also located here. Inside is another rock climbing wall and open space for games like volleyball. The operation building houses the Station Leader’s office, communications, the post office and the Bureau of Meteorology. The Main Power House is where all the electricity for the station is generated. Waste heat from the generators is piped around the station and used to heat the buildings. The trades’ workshop (known as Red Dwarf) houses all the offices and work area for the trades such as the Diesel mechanics, plumbers and electricians. At Mawson Station, there is also a waste management building, emergency vehicle shelter where all the fire fighting equipment is stored, a high frequency radio-transmitter hut, one aircraft hanger, three helipads (used infrequently), a cosmic ray observatory, The Anaresat dome (a large satellite dish), numerous inflatable rubber boats, the general science building (where the biologists and geophysicists work), the Aeronomy (home to atmospheric space physics), the carpenter’s workshop, Magnetic Variometer hut- a special building that houses sensors that measure and record the changes in the earths magnetic field, magnetic absolutes hut, the wharf (where cargo is loaded and unloaded), the Sun recorder building and two fuel farms. Facilities At Mawson Station Transport Scientific Other Amenities * The emergency vehicle shelter with fire-fighting equipment and other vehicles. * The three helipads and one aircraft hanger and airstrip (currently out of use). * The post office and the high frequency radio transmitter hut for communication. * The inflatable rubber boats for summer months when ice has blown out. * The wharf (the cargo dock). * The cosmic ray observatory and the Bureau Of Meteorology. * The Anaresat dome with the large satellite dish. * The photographic dark room and the library inside the Red Shed. * The general science building where majority of the science is conducted. * The Aeronomy- atmospheric space physics. * The Magnetic Variometer Hut. * The magnetic absolutes hut. * A Sun recorder building. * The Red shed’s living quarters, surgery, lounge, kitchen, dining, theatre and recreation rooms. * The facilities in the Green Store: frozen food storage, clothes store, equipment spares, field store and rock climbing wall. * The waste management building, offices and the main powerhouse. * The gym building (formerly a general room). 5. The four main priority programs undertaken by Australian research scientists in Antarctica are: * Climate processes and change. * Terrestrial and Near-shore Ecosystems: Environmental Change and Conservation. * Southern Ocean Ecosystems: Environmental Change and Conservation. * Frontier Science Climate processes and change: Climate Processes and Change investigates the role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the global climate system. Its main focus and importance is to address uncertainties identified in â€Å"The Fourth Assessment (2007)† report, which highlights the lack of climate data around the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. It also investigates the role of the region in slowing climate change and the future behavior of the ice. Terrestrial and Near-shore Ecosystems: This program investigates the effects of environmental change on Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. This program provides the scientific basis to guide and develop enhanced environmental protection for these ecosystems. Southern Ocean Ecosystems: the Southern Ocean is facing many threats to its marine life and ecosystems as a result of physical and biological changes that are being caused because of fishing, climate change and acidification. Scientific research under this theme is helping scientists understand the impact of global change on Southern Ocean ecosystems, the effective conservation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean wildlife and the sustainable, ecosystem-based management of Southern Ocean fisheries. Frontier Science: The focus of Frontier Science is to encourage and support research that falls outside the priorities of the other research departments along with focusing in the environmental science in the other categories. It is basically about learning about sciences beside climate change and the causes and effects of them. 6. If you were travelling to a penguin colony 90 kilometres away from Mawson Station, you would most likely travel by a small plane or helicopter capable of landing without requiring a constructed airstrip or helipad. These to options would be far better than by land as conditions along the way could potentially halt your journey-leaving you stranded without support or rescue, it would take a lot longer and a lot more supplies and clothing would be required. Adequate clothing would be required to battle the cold temperatures especially during winter. You would carry and wear a thermal, a suit that constrains heat, thick gloves, headwear that covers majority of your face as well, long insulated pants, thick jackets and other items of clothing usually warn also in Northern Russia and Canada. 7. The area of Antarctica is almost double the size in September than in March as a result of sea ice freezing during the winter (September) and melting during the summer (March). Over a 12-month period, the sea ice begins to melt and the size of Antarctica begins to decrease towards the end of September. It continues to do so until March, when it is almost half the size. Once again, when winter begins around the beginning of April, the sea ice begins to gradually freeze; increasing the area of Antarctica every month until September before the cycle begins again. Scientists use a variety of technology to research these changes. They use drones and satellites to examine the area and measure the increase of size. The satellites map out the area and give an aerial view for scientists to examine and interpret. They examine the oceans, atmosphere and climate patterns to describe and prove how the change occurs. An ice core is a core sample that is typically removed from an ice sheets, most commonly from the polar ice caps or high mountain glaciers. As the ice forms from the incremental build up of annual layers of snow, lower layers are older than upper, and an ice core contains ice formed over a range of years. The properties of the ice and the recrystallized inclusions within the ice can then be used to reconstruct a climatic record based around the age range of the core, normally through analyzing their elements. This enables the reconstruction of local temperature records and the history of atmospheric composition as they contain information about the past climate. 8. Over time the emperor has developed many physical and behavioral adaptations that leave it as a truly amazing bird, which not only can survive the Antarctic winters, but also are capable of doing almost anything during the time. Unlike other animals that have inhabited Antarctica, emperor penguins spend time on both land and water throughout the year, being able to do what they like without the fear of fearful predators and possibly not surviving through the winter. Emperor Penguins have excellent insulation against the cold in the form of several layers of scale-like feathers that take very strong winds (over 60 knots) to get them ruffled. They have a very small bill and flippers, which conserve heat and are not as exposed to the temperatures due to their size. Their nasal chambers also recover much of the heat that is normally lost during exhalation. They also possess strong claws in their feet for gripping the ice and slippery surfaces, allowing them to waddle instead of sliding around on their bellies all the time. Another special physical adaptation of the emperor penguin is the ability to ‘recycle’ its own body heat. The emperor’s arteries and veins lie close together so that blood is pre-cooled on the way to the bird’s feet, wings and bill and warmed on the way back to the heart. Emperor penguins have large reserves of energy-giving body fat to use during low-level activities during winter. The emperor penguin also possesses many behavioral advantages to survive in the climate of Antarctica. They are very social creatures, and one of their survival mechanisms is an urge to huddle together to keep warm. To keep warm, the males close ranks to share their warmth. Even though Emperors are large birds and when carrying their incubation fat, they are about as large around the chest as a human, they still huddle on very cold days, with as many as ten packed into every square metre, cutting heat loss by as much as 50%. This huddling instinct means that they do not defend any territory (the emperor penguin is the only species of penguin that is not territorial) and instead radiate heat and keep warm together. Another behavioral technique used by the emperor penguin to survive the conditions in Antarctica is their ability to mate and reproduce during winter rather than in summer and take care of their eggs. Like most penguins, emperor parents closely share parental duties. What is unique about emperors however, is the co-operation between males while carrying out their parenting duties. Once the egg has been laid during winter, the male emperor puts the egg under his brood flap to keep it warm at about 380C so that the egg can eventually hatch instead of dying inside. During this period of a few months, the male does not eat anything and instead closes together with the others to stay warm himself and to keep the egg warm while the mother goes off to find food. When she comes back after winter is almost done, the chick, which would have hatched around the time, is fed and looked after until December at which stage, they are almost the same size as their parents. Because of this cycle formed by the emperor penguins and the ability to breed during winter, the young are hatched and brought up during the early summer instead of peak winter, giving them a higher chance of survival. Scientists are continuously researching and discovering new behavioral and physical facts about the emperor penguin. They capture the penguins for a while to examine them, using state of the art technology undertaken by biologists both on Antarctica and back in Australia. Some of the research includes: learning about the emperor’s breeding habits, physical body, behavior habits and they are adapting to the changing climate. 9. Tourist travel to Antarctica for a wide range of reasons including an opportunity to experience and view the unique environment with incredible icebergs, auroras, ice arches and wildlife only seen and present there. Tourists usually make the boat trip to Antarctica during the summer between October and February as the climate is at its best, the pack ice is at its lowest, the Sun is high in the sky for most of the day and wildlife is most active at the time, wondering out into the open. A typical journey taken by a tourist to Antarctica usually begins in either: Ushuaia (Argentina), Hobart (Australia), Cape Town (South Africa) or Christchurch (New Zealand) with most choosing the first two. A large boat or small ship is taken from one of these locations, before a long few weeks spent on the waters in more than adequate living conditions. During the journey, tourists can take part in many activities normally present on basic ocean cruises. These include activities like swimming, movies, dining, whale watching, witnessing sights found nowhere else on Earth and other activities to pass time. Once arriving at a station in Antarctica, tourists spend their time on the continent in and around the station, undertaking numerous activities ranging from casual indoor activities like rock climbing, viewing scientific programs and spending time in the library to outdoor activities like watching the penguins, taking a sea kayak to get a close up on sea birds and whales, trekking past and up majestic mountains, scuba diving, walking on the ice and exploring historic huts left behind by various expeditions. There are many impacts on the environment and wildlife in Antarctica caused mainly by the tourists that come and go. The tourism industry to Antarctica involves much more than just the tourists as it involves the ships, accommodation, vehicles and other amenities required for the tourists. Because of this, the wildlife is having a major impact with usual feeding and huddling grounds for penguins being disturbed ad in some cases destroyed along with other places for other species like the rocks being used for construction, taking away the habitat of the seals. Tourists also have an impact on the environment like they do all around the world with specific places being developed especially for them. Parts of Mawson Station has been developed and built recently just for tourists, destroying parts of the natural environment as many of the materials like rocks come from Antarctica instead of being shipped over. The transport in which tourists arrive, boats, also have effect the waters as oil spills- regular due to the ice- pollute the waters harming the whales and other marine life. As a result of this, large ships have been prohibited from the waters around Antarctica as they not only pollute the water, but also disturb and crack the ice. Waste management is another problem occurring at Mawson Station with tonnes of waste accumulating on the continent, creating a major headache for workers to clean up before it’s the toxic chemicals start having an impact on the environment.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Perfect Wife Essay

A popular saying goes, â€Å"Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.† If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? Probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no exception. Somehow, I believe that there is someone out there who was made specially for me, and, once I find him, we will fall in love, and get married; and only then will I feel complete. So, how will I recognise my Mrs Right? What qualities should I be looking for? First of all, I am not looking for â€Å"Mrs Tall, and pretty†. Character is more important than looks. I cannot deny that I am attracted to good-looking girl, but marrying solely for physical attraction will probably lead to short term pleasure but life-long regret. I have also noticed that beautiful girl are often vain and arrogant, which I find most unattractive. One of the main things that I admire in a women is humility. Such a women will not boast about his wealth, intelligence or achievements, but, instead appreciate other people’s abilities and achievements. She will also readily admit when he has made a mistake. Such a women would be a joy to live with. Good communication is the key to any solid relationship, most of all, marriage. I would want my future wife to share her thoughts with me. I want to hear her dreams and to share in her struggles. On the other hand, I will also need someone who will be ready to listen to me, and interested to know what is happening in my life. There should be no secrets between us. Life is full of challenges. We can expect to face failure as well as success; heartache as well as joy; boredom as well as excitement. So, the perfect wife should have a positive attitude and a good sense of humour. She should be witty and say things which make me laugh. The perfect wife would also be one who can see the silver lining behind every cloud, rather than focus on the flaws in every situation. With such a women, I will be encouraged to look at life in a happier and more positive way. Above all other qualities, the perfect wife will be faithful. She must be someone who really believes in that marriage is made to last â€Å"till death do us part†. She will be totally committed to our relationship, and willing to stay for the long haul, â€Å"in sickness and in health, for better or for worse†; as couples promise in the wedding vows. The perfect wife would not be distracted by other man; not even when I have lost my looks. In return, I will also promise my total loyalty and faithfulness to my future wife. Actually, there are many other qualities that make a women perfect wife material. For example, one obvious quality would be the ability to provide; and, though it is not the most important quality, physical attraction must be a part of the equation for a marriage to work well. However, while it is easy to make lists, finding a women to live up to them will be very difficult. Furthermore, instead of focusing on my requirements for the perfect wife, I think I should recognise my own imperfections, and set about correcting them. As Barnett Brickner said, â€Å"Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.†

How Do Ngos Represent Humanitarian Issues Trough Images in Advertising

How do NGOs represent humanitarian issues trough images in advertising? Negative images of developing countries are a common means adopted by Non Governmental Organisations to raise financial support for those countries. However there has been much discussion as to weather such advertising for fundraising campaigns is really authentic and if the images used represent the issue as it is. More and more NGOs turn their backs on the use of negative images, for example of starving children, and adopting new advertising strategies.When the organisations are trying to raise cash from potential donors there is often a dilemma between using shocking images to raise cash in the short term or whether to focus on the longer term gains with more positive images. This essay focuses on how NGOs are trying to achieve the latter without losing donations. Through a different approach applying the shock effect to a corporate style of advertisements. Will the audience know with these modern fundraising campaigns that for example Africa is not a continent full of sorrow and but will learn more about the wider social historical and geographical context?Do these campaigns give the desired outcome in the end, which is raising money in a democratic way that empowers the subjects from injustice? (Ed Kashi and the Third Frame: NGOs and Photography Conference Report 2010) â€Å"Pictures are powerful† notes Lester and Ross authors of the book â€Å" Images that Injure† (2010). They argue that the publishing of strong images makes economic sense. However economic priorities should not conflict ethics. The fact that images of the starving African child can be used in advertising does not make it ethical, although they are often aesthetically appealing.These images are very welcome for their shock effect and raise money in a relatively fast way. â€Å"But aesthetics is not ethics† (Lester & Ross 2010, p. 30 ). The authors point out the way media organisations are deal ing with their role-related responsibilities. That should recognize their power in creating viewer perception and use that power judiciously by presenting images within a wider context, even in advertising (Lester & Ross 2010, p. 31 ). The negative response to the shock image in fundraising campaigns has been increasing.According to blogwriter and campaign coordinator of Amnesty International Rob Goddon, we have gone from one disaster in to another and have used images from the stick thin African women and children in atrocity situations to smiling and happy women and children. â€Å"The positive images may be easier to stomach and go some way to counter what is perceived as ‘compassion fatigue’(or maybe more accurately ‘Lack of solution fatigue’) but they still fail† (Goddon et al. 2009).The lack of solution manifests itself in positive images that aim to communicate with integrity land teach the public about historical and geographical context. Showing people in this â€Å"new†-dignified way is to avoid reinforcing racial or cultural stereotypes. A contemporary rule in the NGO worlds is avoid using images that look down on people as this can sometimes make the subject appear like a victim. Instead choose images that reflect empowerment. You can see the use of photography clearly in ‘Oxfam’ and ‘Save the children campaigns’ (Oxfam. 2006).The problem with these positive images is that they are often misrecognized in the situation of distant suffering and the public might think that these people are fine because of the positive images and this wont trigger the need to give money anymore (Chouliaraki n. d. ). To refer back to Goddon’s point, these kinds of images still fail what NGOs are all hoping to achieve; â€Å"illustrate the complexity of the lived experience of those they intended to help† (Goddon et al. 2009). In a media landscape where the average consumer gets asked for his attention every minute of the day by the surrounding visual culture it is hard to get seen.According to Windley (2005) the economics have shifted over the last decade and have changed how businesses operate as well as the expectations of customers. Businesses are adjusting to new ways of relating to their customers and brands are fundamentally important for the success and survival. (Windley 2005, p. 40) NGOs have to play this game just being as tough as the rest of them out there. Although the changing nature of technology has opened up many ways for NGOs to use photography, it hasn’t made it easier to answer the on going question of how to represent a certain issue.NGOs have to represent themselves and think how they want to brand their message to raise awareness but also to fundraise. Advertising agencies therefore apply the shock-effect in different ways to get the attention of the viewer and instead of for example the hungry African child they use corporate style ad vertising to provoke emotions of guilt and indignation. One example of shock techniques to represent an issue within the corporate advertisement style, is an awareness campaign for the Campaign Against Landmines. Part of the campaign the agency designed a ketchup packet with a picture of a kids' legs or head.When you open the packet, you tear off the w body part and ketchup bleeds out. Some people see this advert as a brilliant piece of advertising and others may feel this is too shocking. In New Zeeland this campaign got overwhelmed with some criticism. â€Å"Well it is graphic, it is shocking, but so too is the reality – 15-20,000 having that sort of thing happening to them as a result of landmines,† says Minister of Disarmament Phil Goff (One news et al. 2006). Some find it hard to swallow to rip of a young boys leg and being confronted with what is going on in other countries.According to Chouliaraki (2010) this new approach could be identified as â€Å" post huma nitarian communication†. â€Å"This shift, I argue, should be seen as a contemporary attempt to renew the legitimacy of humanitarian communication – one that abandons universal morality and draws on the resources of the media market in which humanitarian organizations operate today. † (Chouliaraki 2010). She notes that NGOs are still relying on this style of advertisement to provoke emotions but not in a way to inspire immediate action.The corporate advertisement style is used in a â€Å" Take it or leave it way† (Goddon et al. 2009). A good example on the use of photography in corporate advertising is the campaign â€Å"Its not happening here but now† from Amnesty International in Switzerland. The campaign uses the tagline â€Å"It's not happening here but it's happening now† the campaign puts up posters in bus stops and train stations etc, with exact matches of the existing background. It aims to show people what is going on in the world, e ven if it's not happening in front of them at the bus stop.The advertising uses shock images to enter in the publics’ everyday lives, entering in the public environment and showing them what is happening in other parts of the world. What Amnesty International does is using photography in a photo realistic way and forces a direct act on humanitarian issues.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fiji Water and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

Nova School of Business and Economics 2nd Semester 2011/2012 Marta Andre Lopes n º10265 International Management – 4th Case Study Summary – Fiji Water and Corporate Social Responsibility: Green Makeover or†Greenwashing†? 1. Introducing the Case The case traces the establishment and subsequent operation of Fiji Water LLC and its bottling subsidiary, Natural Waters of Viti Limited, the first company in Fiji extracting, bottling and marketing, both domestically and internationally, artesian water coming from a untouched ecosystem in the main of Fiji Islands. It takes us through the growth and market expansion of this highly successful company. The company has grown rapidly over the past decade and a half, and now exports bottled water into many countries in the world from its production plant located in the Fiji Islands. In 2008, Fiji Water was the leading imported bottled water brand in the United States. Despite of a great marketing success of the Fiji brand, particularly in the U. S. market, the case shows us how the company has responded to a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, including measuring and reducing its carbon footprint, responsibilities to key stakeholders, and concerns of the Fiji government with regard to taxation and transfer pricing issues. It also leads us to think of CSR challenges that may jeopardize the sustainability of a great marketing strategy. In this case, Fiji Water faces CSR issues such as the carbon footprint on its production, responsibilities to stakeholders, relations and legal issues with the Fiji authorities on tax incentives, export duty claims and transfer price that may jeopardize an otherwise successful marketing strategy. . Challenges Ahead The firms’ strategies should not only focus on the stakeholders’ or the employees’ interests, they should also take care of the outsiders’ interests affected by the firms’ business since every firm, irrespective of its business or size, must have an obligation to satisfy the social interests when it does the business in the sake of the stakeholders. The case showed that a corporation’s marketing and ethical strategies should not only focus on the interest of the stakeholders and the legal compliance of that corporation’s business, but also center on the moral and social responsibilities. A corporation with a more socially responsible practice would consider itself as responsible corporate citizen of the entire society for every course of business actions. Also, if a corporation fails to maintain a good CSR practice, it exposes the business to various green nterests groups which may trigger the corporation’s sustainability. Given this, it is very important that corporations and their marketers care about CSR practice to ensure the sustainable strategy, which help to ensure the achievement of the stakeholders’ interests by managing economic, legal, social, cultural, and environmental risks. Fiji Water LLC showed a great contribution in Fiji with respect to tax revenue, jobs for local workers, foreign currency collection from export sales and so on. These factors ensure that the production facilities in Fiji can be sufficiently operated and expanded over the years to meet the increasing demand from consumers. I think that the company could develop a comprehensive program on measurement, tracking, reporting, and audit on corporate commitments and responsibilities on environment protection of itself and its vendors, which could help to Fiji Water LLC and its vendors to improve its environmental credibility in certifying that Fiji Water LLC is carbon negative. Also, the company should start paying more corporate taxes to demonstrate that it is a good corporate citizen by revisit its transfer pricing practice. As a consequence, it should review and optimize its business operations to be more efficient and effective by reducing its costs,balancing the interests of its stakeholders and Fijian government.

International Business Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Business Economics - Essay Example The figures show labour cost in hours for producing one unit of good David Ricardo formulated the theory of comparative advantage and argued that even if a one country is more productive in both lines of production it would be still profitable to trade. Country A is more productive in both lines of production but it will still be profitable to trade with country B, this is shown by first stating that country A is more advantaged in production of good X, therefore when wee calculate the comparative advantage country A will specialise in the production of good X and country B will produce good Y and they will gain by trading. (Hardwick, 1997) The Hecksher-ohlin trade model states that trade is based on the difference in factor endowment, a labour rich country will produce and export labour intensive good, and it will also import capital intensive goods. A capital rich country will produce and export capital intensive goods; it will also import labour intensive goods. According to the factor equalization theory, if we have a situation where factors of production cannot move from one country to another but there is free movement of goods, then the free movement of goods will eventually equalize factor prices. Point Q is the equilibrium point of producing both goods for country one, point P is the point of equilibrium for country two in producing both goods. The movement of goods will cause a shift in equilibrium points and case price equalization. Equilibrium shift as shown by the arrow. According to the Rybczynski theory an increase in factor of production and the other factor remains constant in a country , then the output of the good using the factor of production intensively increase while the output of the other good will decrease in absolute amount provided factor and output prices remain constant. (Jagdish, 1987) The countries original equilibrium is at point P, after increase in labour the new equilibrium is at point P'. According to the Stolper Samuelson theory, he argues that a tariff imposed on import goods causes an income distribution. He argues that a tariff on an import causes domestic prices to rise; this causes an increase in domestic production as firms emerge to capture the profits caused by the price in this goods. This effect is

Friday, September 27, 2019

Gestalt and Person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gestalt and Person - Essay Example In the Person-centered approach, the client becomes the sessions’ focal point while the therapists take a rather passive role while trying to learn about the client as the client progressively journeys towards self-actualization (Worsley, 2009). The therapist provides a very conducive and supportive environment to the client. The therapist also provides a positive, unconditional regard and a feedback that is non-judgmental. The therapist refrains from making any suggestions for the client; the client independently decides what they wish to work on while the therapist readily provides understanding and support (Worsley, 2009). This approach yields more fruits in an emergency since the client discovers their own areas that require their inputs and define a way of achieving their perceived shortcomings. Unlike Gestalt method, the therapist minimally alters the process of self-actualization, and there are better chances of adherence to the course of therapy since all decisions are client’s (Worsley, 2009).The gestalt approach views the client as a center of focus. It is an existential approach used in counseling. This approach views the client as a unified whole (Mann, 2010). The client cannot be disintegrated into units without losing their essence. This theory more based on a field approach that dictates that things must be studied in their environment to fully understand them (Mann, 2010). The environment is in a constant change; connections and interrelation processes are of key importance.

Advantages of the current healthcare insurance in the US Essay

Advantages of the current healthcare insurance in the US - Essay Example Reports from Federal Budget and General Accounting Office of USA display the fact that if universal health care is implemented then there would be a saving of $100- $200 billion per year. This is a huge monetary benefit that country can secure for other vocations. The advantage was understood by the Canada government long back, in 1971 and they adopted single-payer system. People are much happy by adopting this system and they are contentedly enjoying peace of mind as they do not have to be bothered about their health and care facilities and are not willing to revert back to their old, US-kind of system. The government of Canada knows that in terms of economy they are lagging behind as compared to USA but by adopting universal health insurance they are saving a lot in terms of funds. It is essential to understand that by adopting universal health insurance, single payer universal health care cost would decrease due to diminution of administrative cost, as compared to the current US-system of health care facilities where individuals are paying around 50-100% more administrative charges, which is a remarkable loss of finances (Battista, McCabe, 1999). By adopting universal health care insurance enhanced management, monetary gains and ease can be accomplished. It is necessary for the citizens of US to have this understanding and also it is essential that government should make the people aware to dissolve their myths and wrong notions that they have created in their minds and should understand the benefits they will be provided with, for the sake and better prospects of the nation, as we never shop for health it is not a product, but people can enjoy the same kind of facilities at much lower cost. It is essential that government and NGOs must understand the benefits of health insurance and should create public awareness program through talks and discussions and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Orientation day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Orientation day - Essay Example Moreover, the background information established that even graduate students should contact their academic department regarding orientation. Only students enrolled in any online-only major or program did not have to attend orientation. We were aware that failure to attend the Undergraduate International student’s orientation would deny me the opportunity to register for classes and would force me to start classes the following semester. As such, I activated my MyISU Portal prior to registering for International Advising and Registration. The university required undergraduate international students to register for the Indiana State University orientation day before attending. The University of Indiana State University orientation day was on summer 2014. We therefore arrived on campus on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in preparation for the orientation that took place on Friday, May 9, 2014. The events of the University of Indiana State University orientation day started at 8:30 am EDT at the Hulman Memorial Student Union building where all new students gathered. After a brief introduction, one of the University administrators presented the rules and regulations that govern the code of conduct at the University. After the presentation, the University a guide who showed us important buildings of the Indiana State University that included lecture rooms, library, administration block, cafeteria, laboratories, hostels, and sporti ng facilities. We also did Student ID in police department of public safety and attended the immigration seminar that addressed immigration regulations, accommodation and dining services, medical aspects, banking, transportation, student employment, community service and student activities and organizations at the University. Through the program, the new undergraduate students had a chance to meet the

Assisting Teachers to choose the appropriate e-learning tool PART 2 Assignment

Assisting Teachers to choose the appropriate e-learning tool PART 2 - Assignment Example A goal of Blooms nomenclature is to motivate teachers to focus on all three areas, creating a more rounded form of teaching. Blooms nomenclature is considered to be an introductory and essential component within the teaching community. A tradition has developed around the nomenclature, possibly due to countless people learning about the nomenclature over second hand data. Bloom himself reflected the Handbook "one of the highly cited yet least read in American teaching". ISTE Values (formerly the NETS)Â  for Instructors (ISTE Standards) are the principles for estimating the skills and information educators need to instill, work and study in a progressively connected universal and numerical society. As technology incorporation continues to surge in our society, it is vital that teachers retain the skills and comportments of digital age specialists. Moving onward, teachers need to become contented being co-learners with their apprentices and coworkers worldwide. An algorithm is an involved way to clarify your philosophies using step-by-step directions. A clear procedure basically means that not only you can comprehend it, but persons who are relying on your procedure in order to comprehend your notion can do as well. A procedure that is perfect however, is not fundamentally correct. The good thing about a language is that there exists numerous ways to extant one idea. A correct procedure means that it will essentially perform as anticipated. Efficacy can be termed as working fast and accurately. Would you quite have a game that opened in 10 or 5 minutes? That can be exacted by your algorithm’s efficacy. Having an effectual algorithm means it operates as smoothly as probable and in the least amount of time. A clear system consists of proper classification. For instance while writing a package; you might have variables whose information is dog, pink and

Reading Responses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reading Responses - Essay Example Due to this paranoia, the women become obsessed with the color yellow. In the end, she becomes so insane that she imagines that a woman is stalking her even though it was a mere shadow of the wall patterns. Thus, she continues to lock herself in the room to protect herself. At the end of the story, she acknowledges that she has to liberate this woman and begins to scrape of the war. She is finally liberated as her husband faints to see her compulsive obsession with the walls. Clearly, this was one of the most vital pieces towards establishing and propagating women. Not only does it point out the major flaw in society’s ideologies at that time era, it also describes the brutal compassion given to individuals that had a mental condition. Female critics often use this to suggest that individuals who are mentally challenged should be able to interact with society instead of being isolated. Without a doubt, I think that extremely vital. The feministic viewpoint completely rejects t he notion that the women should be limited to certain roles in this man-centric society. At the end of the plot, when the narrator scraps the wall off, it shows her struggle to not only liberate the women but herself also.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Contract terms as conditions or warranties Term Paper

Contract terms as conditions or warranties - Term Paper Example Therefore, the court conclude that the defendants had a right to end the contract because the plaintiff breached a condition of the contract Poussard v. Spiers & Poland, 1876).However, in a similar case, Bettin v. Gye (1876); a singer was contracted to perform and sing for 3 whole months with six rehearsal days. The singer, however, fell ill and thus missed the six days of rehearsals, which resulted in the defendant replacing him with another singer. However, in this case the court held that the termination of the contract was uncalled for because the failure to attend the rehearsals only amounted to a breach of warranty and not a condition and thus the singer was entitled to the contract because the breach did not go to the contract’s very root (Bettin v. Gye, 1876). Thus, based on this case contracts can be categorised as conditions if the breach of the terms of the contract significantly or materially affects the performance of a contract and, therefore, becomes unenforceab le to the innocent party’s favour (Smith and Atiyah, 2006).  Ã‚     Another example of categorizing contracts terms as conditions or warranties was best articulated in the case of British Crane vs. Ipswich Plant Hire (1974) in which both companies were engaged in contracting out earth-moving equipment. In this case the plaintiffs provided the defendants with the equipment over the phone contract promptly without articulating the contract terms. However, the claimants later sent their conditions to the defendants but before signing them.

The Consequences of Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Consequences of Economic Growth - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  with increased economic transaction between populations within and outside of national borders have led to greater economic growth throughout many parts of the planet.   Employment increases, the cost of products decrease to a competitive market level, and the number of firms and the quality of firms increase.   As a developing economy grows, there is a greater propensity and incentive for foreign governments to provide some form of economic aid, which is also in their benefits for their own economic expansion.From the study it is clear that  with the spread of commerce comes the spread of newer technologies. With the breakthroughs in technologies in the telecommunications industry, the technology itself has become more accessible for lower income customers.   Anyone with an internet connection can now communicate and do business with anyone else in the world.   This has led to a rapid growth in traditionally lesser-developed countries, be cause now there is a productive work force with the means to enlarge their economic fortunes.   With the greater diffusion of technologies, entrepreneurs have become more empowered and enfranchised with freedom to pursue business ventures and this had led to a growth in business.  Nations with no economic development at all are subject to civil war, systemic poverty, famine, and political instability, as often and tragically observed in Sub-Saharan Africa or Central Asia in the present day.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critical analysis on Roald Dahl's writing style and his influence on Essay

Critical analysis on Roald Dahl's writing style and his influence on my writing - Essay Example (Propson, David 2007) Oddly enough, Dahl’s children’s stories required heavy rewriting by the editors, but they were naturally brilliant, and so were quite worth the effort. Dahl’s adult fiction was quite dark, and though satisfying, it seldom had any balance from humor. However, his children’s stories, though dark as well, always had a generous dollop of humor and fantasy. Even the characters in his children’s stories seem to balance. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we have Charlie, his grandfather, and willie Wonka to represent the good guys and they balance out the three four awful children and their parents. (Amidon, Stephen 2006) He seems to have caught the exactly right tone for kids. He knew how they thought, how things worked in their heads. So, his children’s stories rang true for them, wonderfully parallel to their perceptions of the world. Yet, there was a wonderful quality of humor and fantasy which the illustrators, and later filmmakers, could play against in their work. The latest version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is fantastically done with the digital special effects of Tim Burton’s versi on of 2005. (iMDB 2005) (Mcmorran, Will, 2006) All of the lovely fantasy comes through and does justice to the author. However, it probably only matches the images which appear in the heads of the children who read the books. In fact, when one looks at Dahl’s children’s stories there is a core of frank truth at the center. He makes some strong points on the human condition and human psychology. His characters are extreme examples of all the foibles and character traits of real people. Even the Dahl’s childrens stories, even though he takes things to fantastic heights, his characters always wind up with their just deserts, as suits a story for children. Ambiguity is so0mething reader have to learn to tolerate, generally when we are very close to adulthood. Children require justice to be done. It does not

Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Global warming - Research Paper Example The high increase in temperatures has resulted in global warming, which has negatively affected the environment. Goldstein (2009) reports that the earth’s surface has experienced about 0.8% rise in temperature since 20th century. A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007 projected that the earth’s surface temperatures could increase from 1.1 to 2.9 oC in the 21st century (Goldstein, 2009). The increase is also expected to continue unless something is done to stop activities perceived to cause global warming. A report by the BBC also indicated that the world would be six and a half degrees warmer than it is today by the time a child born today reaches 80 years. Global warming has mainly been blamed on human activities taking place all over the world. However, many researchers have demonstrated that global warming is the result of greenhouse emissions into the environment. In this regard, scientists have shown that global warming occurs due to carbon emissions released into the environment, which blocks the ozone layer thereby preventing the sun’s light and heat from reaching the earth’s surface, notes Goldstein (2009). ... Research indicates that many countries in the world currently depend on fossil fuels as the main energy source. In fact, Victor (2011) reveals that more than 90% of energy all over the world currently comes from fossil fuel. According to Victor, the negative impacts of global warming are already being felt on the earth today. The impacts include persistent bush fires, glacial movements, perennial drought, flooding, typhoons and rising sea levels just to name but a few. However, since global warming is the direct result of human activities, it is viewed in an ethical angle. It is unethical for human beings to engage in activities that promote global warming. This is based on the fact that the consequences of global warming stretches beyond the good purposes for which the activities are meant. This paper will explain why I consider activities promoting global warming as being unethical. Global warming is indeed causing havoc in the world over. Its impacts are adversely affecting all na ture-human beings, oceans, forests, farms, mountains, and coasts among others. According to Fern (2003), the global warming caused by greenhouse emissions is a direct result of human activities such as burning of charcoals, industrialization, farming, the use of fossil fuel and other activities that release carbon into the atmosphere. Ethically, the most fundamental question we are often confronted with concerning particular environmental ethics pertains to the obligations we have regarded the natural environment (Keller, 2010). In this regard, if the conviction regarding the obligation is that we as human beings will suffer as a result of the failure to act appropriately, then this is regarded â€Å"anthropocentric,† which

Monday, September 23, 2019

Health Care Reform Compare and Contrast Research Paper

Health Care Reform Compare and Contrast - Research Paper Example Statistics claims that 86 percent of the citizens in Tennessee have insurance. However, the number has been decreasing for the past twenty years which mean that about 14 percent of the citizens in Tennessee remain unprotected. Employers who offer health insurance to their employees are good with a 54.7 percent who specifically offer health insurance plans to their employees. This percentage has been recorded steadily to increase which is expected to include more citizens in the health insurance policy which is expected to include more citizens in the health insurance policy. On the other hand, Louisiana residents who do not have s health insurance coverage is high this has contributed to the state having the highest where only 80 percent of Louisiana citizens are protected. It is projected that in case of an emergency, Louisiana would be the worst hit since access to health care if difficult in this state but also the quality of health is low compared with Tennessee. In Louisiana, on ly 52 percent of employers offer their employees with a health benefit insurance cover. This has attracted the attention of health staffs who are working towards the possibility of increasing the percentage of employers within the state who are ready to offer health insurance to their employees that are expected to lower the unprotected citizen percentage. Nevertheless, Louisiana offers the best rates of primary care physicians who are available to help people (H.CO, 2010). For Louisiana to increase in offering health care to its citizen more public health funding which has helped Tennessee to grow should also be increased in Louisiana to increase the number of protected citizen that may help the state to at least be at the same level with Tennessee. Tennessee statistically is placed at one of the least healthy states across the nation where the united health

Review and critical analysis of any four articles Essay - 1

Review and critical analysis of any four articles - Essay Example Election process from the nomination, the conventions and elections has been discussed in this book. The Article of Americas Evolving Electorate by Nate Cohn This article talks of the demographic system in an electorate. This article analyses on the population target of a given candidate. The article starts by analyzing the Clinton and Bush election season. This election time the candidates targeted a given population in their campaigns trail. According to the article George W Bush targeted the Populist population, who were compassionate conservatives. Whereas Bill Clinton targeted college women, the graduates and the less religious voters. This according to the article was insufficient for Bill Clinton to conquer George Bush in the 2 election seasons. Over time the demographic targets of the Republican Party has changed, it is on an estimate of eight years basing on the article. This change has then lead to the majority win of votes by the democrats, hence the Obama Administration. The change in voter’s numbers was as a result of the shift of the new diverse young voters who joined the democrats. An Estimated increase from 23% to 25% of votes in favor of the democrats. The article also establishes the Current Presidents camp had a larger share of Non American voters this were: The African American, Hispanians and The Asian voters.The republicans were also into gaining of voters from the democrats strong holds. They shifted inwards south of the believed Democrats strong holds. But their efforts were not fruitful as the couldn’t counter the democrats gain of voters. The Author Nate Cohn goes on explaining of the Democrats gains of voters who were the white Americans from the South.The democrats targeted a given voter population of which included the young white and those that occupied the well educated sub-urbans.These shifts of demographic interests were not for a short period as it was thought to be. The shifts was a reflection of shifts of votes which was for the advantage of the democrats. They were establishing a base of votes which they could use to gain on the republican votes. The Article also focused on the turnout of voters, this was specifically the Republican Party. The focus was during the congressional and local elections. Basing on the article there was a notable reduction in the turnout of the republican voters. A critical analysis if the democratic analysis is inevitable is given in the article and how the Republican Party can adjust in a mind of compensation of the generational and demographic changes. There is an Emerging Democratic Majority, the effect of a majority democratic camp and it is predestined to be for some decades to come. The democratic majority is as a result of the gaining of Denver, Washington and Raleigh which are well educated suburbs. On analyzing of the article, for the republicans to counter the demographical gain by the democrats is by: instituting durable and ideological coalitions b efore a new social moderate generation is built. The article has been criticized on the share of white voters by the democrats; this is because the article has not pointed out the states of the survey. It has also been criticized of partisan comments. Though with the critics the article has proved to be very insightful and indeed helpful in the geographical analysis of voters in a voting season. Are we in An Electrol Realignment? By Sean Trende An electoral realignment refers to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Compare and Contrast Research Essay on Oedipus Rex

Compare and Contrast Research on Oedipus Rex - Essay Example It is dramatic irony that the residents are seeking the solution to the problem from the one person causing their suffering by killing his predecessor king Laius. Both the residents and king Oedipus are privy of this fact. Dramatic irony is an aspect of style used in literary analysis in which the words as well as the actions of the characters in a given work of literature portray a different meaning for the reader than they do for the characters themselves. The situation arises when the reader seem to have a wider knowledge than the characters in the story. It can further be defined as a dramatic effect in which the audience is lead to develop an understanding of an incongruity that exist between a given situation and the accompanying speeches while the characters in the play are completely not aware of the incongruity. Dramatic irony comes when the old prophet, Tiresias is summoned by the king; Oedipus ridicules him because he is blind. The audience understands that Oedipus is blind to the truth. Tiresias in a fit of anger tells Oedipus that though he can see he is â€Å"blind† to the truth. When Oedipus becomes blind, he finally realizes the truth of what Tiresias had told him. The dramatic irony is that it is actually the blind man who sees in mocking Tiresias, Oedipus calls Tiresias â€Å"shameless and brainless, sightless, senseless sot. It is ironical when Oedipus calls the old man shameless when he is actually the one who is shameless for killing his father, inheriting his throne and marrying his own mother. When he vows not to stop until he finds and punishes Laius’ killer he says: â€Å"Now, since I am ruler and holds this kingdom that he held before- holding also the bed and wife we have both sown; and children of the same mother would have been born to us, had his line no t been ill-fated-since chance (270) has driven me into that one’s powers, therefore I shall